Monthly Shaarli
January, 2025
- What I would describe as a fluff piece in some fringe publication: China Reveals Plans To Build Giant Power Station In Earth's Orbit, 2025-01-16. Via The Overspill. Also reported by the South China Morning Post.
Stellarium is a planetarium software that shows exactly what you see when you look up at the stars. It's easy to use, and free.
Your periodic reminder that Stellarium is an amazing planetarium tool. Free, #OpenSource and very easy to use. There are desktop apps, mobile apps and a web version.

Very nice explanation!
- 00:00 Most people don't understand rainbows
- 01:08 Light refraction explained
- 08:20 How does a rainbow form?
- 13:10 Circular rainbows
- 15:14 Why are rainbows curved?
- 17:30 Why can’t you see a rainbow with sunglasses?
- 18:43 Why is it brighter underneath a rainbow?
- 20:44 Different types of rainbow
- 23:46 Invention of the cloud chamber

WeBWorK is a well-tested assessment system for delivering individualized problems over the web.
Whether as a student or instructor, I never really liked computerized tests.
But I had never heard about this FOSS project before. It is built on MathJax, and expanding into other STEM areas such as chemistry:
The [Open Problem Library] now includes problems from all ranges of mathematics, from pre-algebra through real analysis, as well as expanding into other STEM disciplines such as physics, chemistry and engineering.