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Picture Wall - 194 pics
FAIR4Chem Award
Public Domain Image Archive by Public Domain Review
The WeBWorK Project
You're Probably Wrong About Rainbows (Veritasium)
Amazing work by prof. McPherson: siunitx v3 for MathJax v3
Motonormativity ("car brain")
Why is renewable energy important? - REN21
Ansible Console
Is Authentik easier to manage than Keycloak?
Open Knowledge Global Directory (OKFN)
CKAN - The open source data management system
Blueberries’ blue is just skin deep, caused by structure not pigments
Element partners with Swedish ISP Tele2 for sovereign communications
HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
WireHole: a combination of WireGuard, Pi-hole, and Unbound in a docker-compose project
ReproHack Hub
Hos Stena i Halmstad återvinns gamla elbilsbatterier
Sveriges energisystem (Energimyndigheten)
Auto upload not triggered on Nextcloud Android app? This fixed it for me
Temperature-sensing RFID tag in magnetic stir bar
Hur används kvantprickar i forskning om solceller?
Samlat e-arkiv vill bevara det som faller mellan stolarna | Magasin K
Open data platform of the UN industrial development organization
How to download and install Linux on MS Windows
Brian Pauw: Glimpses of the future: a "full stack", highly automated materials research laboratory
Hydrogen law and regulation in the Middle East (CMS Law)
No great options to comment out text in R Markdown
Ny nationell kartläggning av träd i städer och tätorter
Numeric style biblatex with citation [1] in mainmatter despite citations in frontmatter?
Midsummer får €32M från EUs innovationsfond för att bygga 200 MW solcellsfabrik
Sveriges 54 fackförbund
Ny karriärväg skapad för specialister inom forskningsinfrastruktur
Solar Protocol
Cyklistens rätt till staden (VTI-podden Cykelcentrum)
For news, RSS is better than social media
Every news publisher should support RSS
Record Growth in Renewables Achieved Despite Energy Crisis
Kandidatprogrammet i kemi vid Uppsala universitet
A photoelectrochemical pilot plant using concentrated PV at EPFL
Oslo, the Next Great Cycling City
Bicycle – Bartosz Ciechanowski
Grow your own services
Unit tests for LaTeX-generated PDFs? Huh, neat.
ansible-clone: Generate an Ansible playbook that will duplicate an existing system
Byggstenar för förändring
eSam endorses Matrix for secure and federated communications in the Swedish public sector
Lovely rendition of El Helwa Di (Egyptian traditional tune) by the Ayoub Sisters
The world is having engine trouble
Who knew? The EU has its own Mastodon instance!
In- och utpasseringskontroller vid högskoleprovet
American data spies will never care where the servers are
UppTalk Weekly med professor Tomas Edvinsson
Software and Data: coherence and wavelength
Back of your hand
populus-viewer: a social annotation tool powered by Matrix
History of Maxwell's Equations #1: Gauss's Law (Kathy Loves Physics & History)
Så dyra är lägenheterna vid din tunnelbanestation
Crossing the Street Shouldn't Be Deadly (but it is)
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Electric Vehicles (Technology Connections)
Watch "Cairo’s biography: her lively paths" on YouTube
Good vibrations with strong magnets
CO₂ Data Explorer - Our World in Data
Cell Potential Relationships
The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure
Zeppelin over The Pyramids
A Century of Global Synthetic Ammonia: 1921 - 2021
Swedish Research Council (VR) recommends open access to research data
Bättre sikt i cykelkorsningar
The difference between rocks, minerals, crystals, and gems
The big tech threat to free thought
Live CO₂ emissions of electricity consumption
How do fish swim so quickly? (Numberphile)
Interoperability: Open APIs are a start, Open Standard is better
Digital skills for chemists
Ten minutes of fascinating deep-sea animals
Why morning light is so crucial to your health | The Royal Society - YouTube
Hela Sveriges universitet - Uppsala universitet
What is an electron?
Gitea and federation of repositories
اللغةُ العربية .. تَسحرُكَ بكلماتها وجمالها وعذوبتها
Most commercial VPNs are demonstrably useless
Hydrophobic Patterns Make Spinning Water Drops - The Action Lab
خطبة في ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف من الجامع الأزهر
We Built An Unrideable Bike To Show How Bikes Work - Veritasium
Extract text annotations and highlights from a PDF file
How to check if a PDF is digitally signed
Rocket science - från Perstorp till Mars
In Partnership With Everfuel, Norsk Hydro Is Set To Build Hydrogen Plants At Aluminium Smelters
Hydrogen electrolysis facility at Rashid Al Maktoum solar park
Sveriges första agrivoltaiska solcellssystem på plats
Vätgasstrategi för fossilfri konkurrenskraft
Kom Ombo solar power plant
Grattis, Sveriges äldsta solceller!
ABB and Hydrogen Optimized to explore development of large-scale green hydrogen production systems
Prof. Robert Lustig of UCSF on Metabolical, The Lure & Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition & Medicine - YouTube
Vätgasens roll i framtidens energisystem
World's (second) biggest green hydrogen project announced for Kazakhstan
Linköping kan bli fjärde staden i ny vätgaskorridor – Vätgas Sverige
World's biggest green hydrogen hub announced for Western Australia
#Film4Climate 1st Prize Short Film Winner 2016 - "Three Seconds"
Rowing on the Nile in Cairo
Metallic water!
Batteries aren't the only way to store energy.
Division 2 Norra Svealand 2021 - spelprogram SvFF
حائط البراق لا حائط المبكى --- الأزهر الشريف
We gave up our privacy to fight COVID-19, can we get it back?
Fågelskådning med Per Alström - Uppsala universitet
Important tools for scientific writing: Markdown and pandoc
Håll kärleken vid liv - Koranpodden
The global race to produce hydrogen offshore - BBC News
Harvesting Salt From a Very Salty Lake
Easy migration to Nextcloud from insecure and privacy-unfriendly platforms
Potash - Veritasium
An Incredible Video of What It’s Like to Orbit the Earth for 90 Minutes
The Molecular Shape of You | A Capella Science
LaTeX templates/classes for resume/curriculum vitae
Preserving Egypt’s Layered History - Google Arts & Culture
How Do Vaccines (including the COVID-19 Vaccines) Work?
Estimate your Covid-19 risk, given location and activities
The historical cost of light
Scripts Are Your Friends
A reproducible workflow
Alternative app stores for Android
Star-Stabilizing the Entire Sky (spherical distortion) - YouTube
Biggest Ideas in the Universe – Sean Carroll
Flight aggregators and OTAs - flygbiljetter
Travel agencies - resebyråer
smacke/ffsubsync: Automagically synchronize subtitles with video
COVID-19: Advice for the public (World Health Organization)
How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face
Allemansrätten - Naturvårdsverket
Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts – Daniel Lemire's blog
Nytt samråd: Kopplingen mellan Hökarängen och Farsta åter aktuell - byggastockholm
Copenhagen is Great ... but it's not Amsterdam
Germany has adopted a national hydrogen strategy
This 3D virtual tour lets you explore the ancient tombs of Pharaoh Ramses VI
Data and Politics - Our Data Our Selves
Responsible Journals (Platform for Responsible Editorial Policies)
The Periodic Table for Fun and Profit
China Mobile and Facebook in joint project to build 2Africa submarine cable
Solving the “The Miracle Sudoku”
Steps to take to avoid leaking browsing history to third parties
Atlas of 100% Renewable Energy Vision
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
Språkrådgivning - Institutet för språk och folkminnen
As Above
Knowledge repositories (personal knowledge management)
A bash one-liner to parse multiple Ansible playbook log-files and view last run for each
Dataviz and the 20th Anniversary of R, an Interview With Hadley Wickham
Cleaning chemistry – the awesome power of soap
Password strength - Wikipedia
Svensk-engelsk ordbok för den högre utbildningen - Overly descriptive color palettes
YouTube's Copyright System Isn't Broken. The World's Is.
How the Pandemic Will End
An Explanation of How Coronavirus Damages Your Body
Is 100% Renewable Possible By 2050? - Interconnectors
ليه العالم خايف من كورونا ؟
How to fight the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - Research, Hygiene Tips, and Treatment Options
Egypt evaluating solar desalinators
Seniorsurfarna | Ny teknik för äldre nybörjare | UR Play
Password managers
Smithsonian Open Access | Smithsonian Institution
Luleå fick barnen att gå eller cykla till skolan och lärarna märkte genast en skillnad
Nytt avtal ska ge fler förskolor - SKR
400 nya bostäder i Brandbergen i Stockholm
Old Book Illustrations
Air Pollution Reduces IQ, a Lot
What facial recognition steals from us
Usage issues—How are you doing?
Why electronic voting is still a bad idea - Tom Scott
Zombies, or a striking example of the chilling effect of copyright
Evolution discussed by a panel of muslim scientists
The life of Omar ben Saeed | Library of Congress
iptv-org/iptv: Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - YouTube
The chemistry of henna | Compound Interest
NLnetLabs/unbound: Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver (GitHub)
How a quartz watch works - its heart beats 32,768 times a second (video)
Sea Level Rise Can No Longer Be Stopped, What Next?
My notes on Zotero, the best reference manager
The Private Life of a Cat (ca. 1944) – The Public Domain Review
Why all solar panels are secretly LEDs (and all LEDs are secretly solar panels) - Steve Mould
World Cup 2018: complete guide to all 736 players | Football | The Guardian
The True Size Of ...
Feha Haga Helwa: Rendition of Popular Egyptian Song by US Navy Band
Listen to live radio all over the world by navigating an interactive globe
Chemists to get their own service for preprint sharing | Ars Technica
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