1037 shaares
604 private links
604 private links
- In 2013 Google killed Google Reader
- Firefox removed feed discovery features in 2019 (available as plugins now, for example Awesome RSS)
- I've written a linknote on how to subscribe to Youtube channels using RSS
- About Feeds, a primer on web feeds/RSS by Matt Webb.
- You Need Feeds, quickly explains what RSS is and how to use feeds. Via @killyourfm@layer8.space.
- Vad är RSS?, bra intro till RSS av Kamratdataföreningen Konstellationen.
- Youtube channel RSS feeds
- Github RSS feeds
- https://feedcanary.com via https://kevquirk.com/dont-change-your-rss-url
- https://andregarzia.com/2024/05/feed-and-blogrolls-discovery.html
- https://defaults.rknight.me
blog posts
- p1k3, 2020-05-08
- Staying informed without big tech, 2021-07-03, The New Oil
- How to read RSS in 2020, 2020-03-24, Laura Kalbag
- A thorough comparison of three self-hosted RSS readers, 2020-05-31, Luke Singham
- Felicia Day's amazing rant about RSS, 2020-12-16
- Why I still use RSS, 2021-03-03, Marc @0066cc
- Robin Rendle writes about how RSS is the "promised land", via Roy Tang
- How to Subscribe to or Read RSS or ATOM News Feeds, Christopher Heng
- What is RSS?, 2021-09-11, Ali Reza Hayati
- What using RSS feeds feels like, 2022-02-13, Ben Werdmüller
- Styling OPML and RSS with XSLT to XHTML, 2023-06-22, Rubenerd. Something to consider for my own blog.
- RSS for Post-Twitter News and Web Monitoring, 2023-07-06, ResearchBuzz (Tara Calishain). A long, very informative article on RSS and how to use it.
- A well curated RSS feed reader is a wonderful substitute for social media
- You should be using an RSS reader, Pluralistic, 2024-10-16
feed readers
- Tiny Tiny RSS, this is what I've been using for years. Android app(s) on F-Droid, and there's at least one iOS app.
- Miniflux
- Vienna RSS
- FeedReader, a desktop client.
- Fresh RSS
- RSS Guard desktop RSS reader for Linux, BSD, OS/2, macOS, or Windows that supports RSS/ATOM/JSON/iCalendar/Sitemap feeds and also web-based services such as Feedly, Nextcloud News and TinyTinyRSS.
- Winds
- Stringer
- Selfoss
- feedbin
- Leed
- commafeed
- Feedbro is a feature-rich browser plugin feed reader, but it's not open source, so not recommended.
- https://www.huguesross.net/code/singularity - desktop reader, support for RSS, RDF, and Atom, and JSON-Feed.
Note: this list is not exhaustive. If you know of a feed reader I've missed, let me know and I'll add it.
Tools that make it easier to add sources to your feed reader
- FiveFilters: Create Feed and other services.
- https://rssgizmos.com (including feed freshness checker, OPML maker, and OPML peeler).
- Feedsearch, an API service for searching websites for their RSS, Atom or JSON feeds.
- GetRSSFeed. Shows RSS feed URL for Soundcloud or Apple "podcasts".
- FetchRSS. Works well for those Soundcloud "podcasts", but this site requires registration (which suggests that this site is creating their own feed endpoint instead of simply exposing soundcloud's already existing (but well-hidden) RSS endpoint).
- rss discovery engine, pre-alpha, by Brandon Quakkelaar (via Rubenerd)
- https://feedle.world a search engine for blogs and podcasts
- Explore RSS feeds in your own neighbourhood (interesting project) via https://mastodon.social/@paulcuth/112020399228840502
- https://siftrss.com - Nifty! It even supports regular expressions. But no source code?
Is the podcast you want to listen to hosted on Soundcloud? First of all, double-check that the podcast is not also hosted somewhere else (more often than not that is the case, and then you can simply avoid Soundcloud).
Soundcloud makes it really hard to discover the podcast's RSS feed. It is not shown anywhere on the page, nor in the HTML source.
Based on a feed URL we already possess and that channel's Soundcloud landing page, I think the following method is necessary to manually construct the hidden RSS feed endpoint for any Soundcloud "podcast":
- Open the HTML source of the Soundcloud "podcast", for example
. - In the HTML source, find the user ID property, which looks like this
(I suggest search forsoundcloud://users
). - Copy the numeric part, and construct a URL like this:
Take a moment to reflect on the awfulness of siloed web services and do your best to avoid encouraging them in future.