Monthly Shaarli
November, 2024
Authored by Damien Irving, Kate Hertweck, Luke Johnston, Joel Ostblom, Charlotte Wickham, and Greg Wilson.
I learned a lot, and you should come back to it for more, especially the chapter on building CLI tools with Python.
All their advice is sound, except I do not agree that the MIT license should be recommended (which the authors argue based on the observation that "The last thirty years have shown that this restriction [of the GPL] isn’t necessary" which I cannot understand).
The book is a thorough walk-through that is sure to get most anyone up and running creating research software with Python and is beneficial to any researcher or research student curious about the Python programming language and the shell.
- Green Solvent Selection Tool by the OPEG group at the Department of Physics at Umeå University. Written in Python. With publication and source code.
[I will add more dashboards here as I (re)-discover them].
Is there some tool(s) that can identify which Unicode character I am looking at? (Because it is not always possible to copy-paste...)
- (which reminds me of Detexify)

Our world is built up of roads and cars to get us to our destination! But what about cycling and even walking? Have we been brainwashed to think that the car is always king?
Via Krister Isaksson's blog, also see masto thread (both in Swedish).
Another good video on the subject by Shifter.