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November, 2023

Konferens om intelligenta transportsystem, Trafikverket

Det första föredraget av Petter Falk (doktorand på Karlstads universitet) var riktigt bra. Man får hoppas Trafikverket lyssnar.

Samlat e-arkiv vill bevara det som faller mellan stolarna | Magasin K

avtal med företaget ArkivIT om drift och support av ett e-arkivsystem baserat på programvarorna Archivematica och AtoM (Access to Memory)

Hösten 2021 gick det Enskilda e-arkivet med Arkiv Sörmland i spetsen in i slutfasen för E-arkivportalen. Tanken är att portalen ska nyttjas av föreningar som vill arkivera digitalt material som i första hand tillkommit digitalt. Det kan röra sig om hemsidor, sociala medier, mailkorrespondens, avtal, räkenskaper, fotografier, videofiler, och mycket mer.

Open data platform of the UN industrial development organization

UNIDO's (UN Industrial Development Organization) projects and programmes at a glance. Has a really nice by country explorer.

Unfortunately neither the UNIDO website nor its Open Data platform appear to feature any RSS feeds.

How to download and install Linux on MS Windows
How to generate BIB file containing only works cited

Let's say you have a very large Zotero library, from which you export a likewise large BibLaTeX file, say full-library.bib.

In your document you load that large BIB-file (because that's easy), \addbibresource{full-library.bib}, but naturally cite only a subset of works.

Now you want to share the source code for this document with someone else, and provide them with a BIB-file so they can recompile it if they wish. Can we produce a BIB-file containing only the entries that were actually cited in the document?

Yes, we can. biber has built-in support for this scenario. Just make sure your latest compilation produced a proper .bcf file, then:

biber --output_format=bibtex --output_resolve document.bcf

which will create document_biber.bib, a properly formatted BibLaTeX BIB-file containing only the subset of works from your library that were actually cited in this document.

I'm afraid I don't remember where I learned this.

Translation guide for discussing electron energy concepts

Really nice work by Steve Byrnes. Very useful.

The uneven global distribution of fertilizer production capacity

African farmers on average use the least fertilizer per acre in the world and have some of the lowest yields, particularly for corn and other grains that provide the bulk of the continent’s calories. As a result, despite having 60 percent of the world’s arable land, almost half the countries in Africa depends on imported wheat from Russia and Ukraine, with 14 African countries getting more than half their wheat from the two warring nations.

First farm in Kenya to produce fossil-free fertilizer (ammonia from renewably produced hydrogen), built by US startup firm Talus Renewables. Yale Environment 360 Magazine, 2023-10-11.

Brian Pauw: Glimpses of the future: a "full stack", highly automated materials research laboratory
Forskningsdata i SND:s katalog går nu att hitta på Sveriges dataportal

This is cool, research data on SND is now indexed and findable via the Swedish data portal.

Doodle alternatives, self-hostable or otherwise

I keep getting annoyed by Doodle. In this latest example, it proved impossible to change the shown "name" as guest user once my answer was submitted, despite it being possible to change everything else, or even decline. (I wanted to make use of the "name" field to include a single-word message to the organizer.) And when logged in the name field never even showed up during the answer flow.

Alternatives to Doodle

Self-hostable alternatives

Butiker eller tillverkare som säljer elektronik (mobiler, laptops, etc.)

I takt med att prisjakt försämras och dag för dag blir mindre användbart (senaste försämringen var Cloudflare "säkerhetskontroll" när man klickar på en produktlänk för att "gå till butik"...) blir det tyvärr nödvändigt att hålla en egen lista över återförsäljare och dylikt.
Lista i bokstavsordning.


Aggregators (they pretend to be markets, terms may vary)