Monthly Shaarli

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June, 2023

Registry of the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA)

Just heard about it. Adding this note to check back later and research who is backing it, etc. Looks worthwhile.

Digital public goods (DPG) that caught my eye:

Sveriges 54 fackförbund
Ny karriärväg skapad för specialister inom forskningsinfrastruktur

Dagens forskning kräver ofta tekniskt avancerade metoder och verktyg. Det ställer höga krav på medarbetarnas kompetens. Trots behovet har det saknats karriärvägar i Sverige för individer som är intresserade av den teknik- och metodutveckling som krävs för att driva och utveckla framtidens forskningsinfrastrukturer. Men med start den 1 april 2023 finns en sådan karriärväg på KI – potentiellt den första i landet.

Därför har KI nu etablerat en ny karriärväg för medarbetare som är intresserade av tekniska och metodologiska aspekter av forskning. Två befattningar skapas: forskningsinfrastrukturspecialist och senior forskningsinfrastrukturspecialist. Anställningarna kan bli aktuella både inom centrala forskningsinfrastrukturer och i enskilda forskargrupper.

Crazy idea: PDF viewer with built-in git support?

I would like to have a PDF viewer that lets me click a button (or press a key) to move backwards in the PDF file's git history. In effect, git checkout <commit> file.pdf but automatically moving back in the commit history on each keypress.

Combined with something like the overview mode of pdfpc, that could make for a very efficient way to glance through the history of a PDF file, such as a thesis or a beamer presentation.

So far I have not found any PDF viewer software with something akin to that.
Maybe I should just open the PDF in VSCodium and use the built-in git support? Would that provide something similar?

Reddit alternatives


Lemmy communities (think subreddits) are given in this format: !communityName@instanceName.
Since Lemmy is on the Fediverse, you can follow Lemmy communities (think subreddits) from Mastodon, just replace the ! by @, and you should find the account name.

Lemmy Android apps:

Container technologies

Will add more as I learn about them. I only care about FOSS projects.


See my Ansible role that installs and configures LXD and provisions LXC containers.


I have some experience with Docker containers. Prefer LXC if I have the choice.
I have written an Ansible playbook to setup containers with docker-compose as part of a as-yet not-public project for InvenioRDM.


No hands-on experience yet.


Hm, interesting. Could it be better than Docker for sharing something like a thesis with "all batteries included", I wonder?

Singularity can convert Docker containers to Singularity, or can run containers directly from Docker Hub

Vetenskapsrådet publicerar kriterier och vägledning för att göra data FAIR
Solar Protocol

Solar Protocol is a web platform hosted across a network of solar-powered servers set up in different locations around the world. A solar-powered server is a computer that is powered by a solar panel and a small battery. Each server can only offer intermittent connectivity that is dependent on available sunshine, the length of day and local weather conditions. When connected as a network, the servers coordinate to serve a website from whichever of them is enjoying the most sunshine at the time.

Via Solarpunks.

Solarpunks were prescient when they asked (in 2012):

What would computing look like if it had to get its power from purely local and renewable sources? What is the potential of low-and-no-power computing and sensor networks?

Electrolysers, in operation or planned



The political and legal conditions for hydrogen projects in Egypt is improving.

  • The Norwegian firm Scatec will build and operate a 100 MW PEM plant near Ain Sokhna producing green H₂ plant intended as feedstock for nearby green ammonia production in cooperation with Fertiglobe PLC. The electrolysis cells will be supplied by Plug Power, and local works by Orascom. (2021-10) This project may also involve MEP and Petrofac (it's unclear to me at the moment if this refers to the same ammonia plant, likely the case).
  • Positively massive project, if implemented: 7000 km² of PV and/or wind turbines planned to feed 90 GW of electricity to generate H₂ from water. For comparison, that's an area equivalent to more than 175 Benban's and a nominal power capacity 45x the same. Via FuelCellsWorks and ArabNews. I'm not sure this is feasible, to be honest. I will wait for confirmation.




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