Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

June, 2022

Software projects (my own "starred" list of repositories)

It's time to give up Github. This is my attempt to decrease my use of their "starred repo" functionality, which only helps Microsoft build a more valuable social graph.

I usually use the "star" function in one of two ways: either as a reminder to myself to check back on the project later, or as a way to promote the project (assuming Github will somehow increase the visibility of starred projects).

I reckon both of these abilities can be reproduced by hosting the list myself. Granted, the promotional value for the project is much smaller this way, but in any case the method used by Github to promote starred repos is based on some opaque and unknowable algorithm, and in all likelihood my "stars" were not making much of a difference apart from boosting the egos of some small-project owners (I'm one of them, so I know the feeling). But that's just another way that Github tries to trap us, by gamifying parts of the experience.
In any case, better federation across Gitea instances might help to establish a better way to "star" projects.

I intend to organise this list in the future, but for now, in no particular order:

Projects that I currently use (for my own or my clients) are marked with 📀. Projects I am actively considering to use are marked 🚧.

Repos that list other valuable repos

Zeppelin over The Pyramids

Stereographic image of the Graf Zeppelin over the pyramids of Giza, 1931.

The image shown above likely depicts the LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin, an airship built in Germany in 1928.

Digital Representation of Units of Measurement (an IUPAC project)

An IUPAC project (apparently in collaboration with CODATA and CIPM, which makes it very official).

Other IUPAC projects on digital standards. Of particular interest to us are Machine-accessible periodic table and Development of a standard for FAIR data management of spectroscopic data.

A Century of Global Synthetic Ammonia: 1921 - 2021

Seminar by Tony Travis, hosted by Royal Society Of Chemistry (2022-06-17)

Swedish Research Council (VR) recommends open access to research data

The Swedish Research Council’s view is that everybody should be given access to research data that are financed via public funds. The recommendation below is part of our work of promoting a transition to open access to research data. The goal is to complete the transition no later than 2026.

På svenska

Regionala statistikområden i SCB:s statistikdatabas

Regionala statistikområden (RegSO) delar in Sverige i 3 363 områden med en befolkning mellan 663 och 22 622 invånare. [...] RegSO är en indelning som kommer hållas oförändrad över tid, med undantag för anpassning till ändringar av enstaka kommun- eller länsgränser.

Här kan du hitta detaljerad information på stadsdelsnivå eller bostadsområde.
Databasen innehåller statistik om folkmängd efter ålder, kön, civilstånd, hushållstyp med mera. Statistik om motorfordon, ekonomisk standard, inkomst, behörighet till högskola, valdeltagande och mycket mer.

Artikel från SCB med bra introduktion till RegSO databasen

Via Cornucopia