Monthly Shaarli
June, 2022
It's time to give up Github. This is my attempt to decrease my use of their "starred repo" functionality, which only helps Microsoft build a more valuable social graph.
I usually use the "star" function in one of two ways: either as a reminder to myself to check back on the project later, or as a way to promote the project (assuming Github will somehow increase the visibility of starred projects).
I reckon both of these abilities can be reproduced by hosting the list myself. Granted, the promotional value for the project is much smaller this way, but in any case the method used by Github to promote starred repos is based on some opaque and unknowable algorithm, and in all likelihood my "stars" were not making much of a difference apart from boosting the egos of some small-project owners (I'm one of them, so I know the feeling). But that's just another way that Github tries to trap us, by gamifying parts of the experience.
In any case, better federation across Gitea instances might help to establish a better way to "star" projects.
I intend to organise this list in the future, but for now, in no particular order:
- papis Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager
- firefox-translations-training📀 Training pipelines for Firefox Translations neural machine translation models
firefox addon
- pdfpc A presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
- impress!ve🚧 Impressive is a program that displays presentation slides with style
- makebeamerinfo Creates
file for use with Impressive and LaTeX Beamer - FullPageOS A Raspberry Pi distribution to display fullscreen browser on boot
- insect📀 scientific calculator with full support for physical units reddit thread
- sphinxtr🚧 The Sphinx Thesis Resource
- pTable Periodic table built on Python reddit thread
- mendeleev Pythonic periodic table of elements with properties of elements, ions and isotopes
- LibreSignage FOSS digital signage solution reddit thread
- Menextract2pdf Extract Mendeley annotations to PDF files Helped me escape from Mendeley without losing all my annotations.
- barrier📀 FOSS KVM software Forked from Symless' Synergy v1.9 codebase. Synergy was a commercialised reimplementation of CosmoSynergy written by Chris Schoeneman.
- Carnet📀 A complete and rich note-taking app for Nextcloud
- Nextcloud server📀 A safe home for all your data
- Bazarr📀 Subtitles manager, companion application to Sonarr and Radarr
- Shaarli📀 Personal, minimalist, database-free bookmarking service You are reading this linkblog on Shaarli :-)
- Shaarli web extension📀 Gives you a button to share your tab with Shaarli
firefox addon
- i3-layout-manager Saving, loading and managing layouts for i3wm
- i3-clever-layout Save and restore i3wm layout
- i3-resurrect Save and restore i3wm workspaces
- simple-contacts📀 FOSS Android contacts app
- i3wm-multidisplay-scripts📀 Scripts to navigate multi-monitor setup in i3wm
- Texture🚧 A visual editor for research
- rallly Self-hostable doodle poll alternative
- ggrepel📀 Repel overlapping text labels away from each other
- FityK📀 FOSS curve fitting software Great for XRD, Raman, etc.
- Keycloak📀 FOSS identity and access management for applications and services
- MaruOS Run a full Linux desktop from your Android phone
- Etar Calendar📀 FOSS Android calendar app
- Creative Commons media A curated list of resources that provide media licensed under Creative Commons licenses
- Docear
- Wallabag📀 Self-hostable web application for saving web pages and reading later
- TTRSS to Wallabag📀 TinyTinyRSS plugin to post to Wallabag
- Mozilla Firefox Sync📀
- git2r R bindings to the libgit2 library
- google-drive-ocamlfuse FUSE filesystem over Google Drive
- transdroid📀 Manage torrents from Android Works great to manage a Deluge server
- Deluge📀 Self-hostable BitTorrent server
- Matomo📀 Self-hostable FOSS web analytics
- Signal📀 A private messenger for Android Locking down Signal
- thinkpad-scripts📀 Screen rotation, docking and other scripts for ThinkPad® X220 and X230T
- theElements Interactive web-based periodic table that can act as a molar mass calculator
- ggpy ggplot2 port for Python
- ggannotate Interactively (using Shiny RStudio add-in) annotate your ggplot2 plots
- knitR📀 A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
- CSL Official repository for Citation Style Language styles
- FreeOTPPlus📀 FOSS One-Time Password (2FA authenticator) app for Android
- Pi-hole📀 A black hole for internet advertisements
- microG📀 FOSS implementation of Google Play services prebuilt flashable ZIPs
- Hugo📀 Static site generator for building websites
- ghostwriter📀 A Hugo theme
- unbound📀 A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver
- monica📀 Personal CRM
- Lidarr📀 Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music
- K-9 Mail📀 FOSS email app for Android
- officeR Manipulate MS Word docx documents from R
- Vemos Virtual movie nights I wonder if it will work with Emby or Jellyfin?
chrome extension
- Jellyfin SSO plugin🚧 Allows users to sign in to Jellyfin through an SSO provider I'm curious if possible to integrate with Keycloak
- Tailscale📀 Convenient SSH tool built on top of WireGuard VPN
- ffsubsync📀 Automagically synchronize subtitles with video
- scrutiny Hard drive SMART monitoring blog post
- browsh🚧 Text-based browser rendering to TTY and browsers
- multi-git-status📀 Show useful status for multiple Git repos
- Ansible📀
- public-apis List of public APIs for use in software and development
- pdfannots📀 Extracts text annotations from a PDF file
Awesome tool for working effectively with highlights or text annotations in PDF files. - Citation File Format📀
- nnn🚧 Terminal file manager
- OpenMower Upgrade off-the-shelf robotic mowers to smart RTK GPS mowing robots
- awesome-rss📀 Put the RSS subscribe button back in Firefox
firefox addon
- Navidrome📀 Self-hostable Subsonic-compatible music server
- Sonixd📀 Subsonic-compatible desktop music player
- Nuclear📀 Desktop music player streaming from free public sources
- TT-RSS-Shaarli📀 Share links to Shaarli from TinyTinyRSS
- Redirector Browser extension to redirect URLs based on regex patterns, like a client-side
- scrcpy📀 Display and control your Android device
- minitube Desktop app to watch youtube videos
- pipe-viewer📀 Command-line app to search and play youtube videos
- Xournal++📀 Handwriting notetaking software that supports Wacom-compatible pen input
- degoogle Large list of alternatives to Google products
- Privacy Respecting List of privacy respecting services and software
- rofi-code📀 Use rofi to open Codium workspaces or folders I have found this little tool really useful, makes it much quicker to get started. I wonder if it's possible to adapt for use with open-ssh-remote workspaces, somehow?
- rofi-pass📀 rofi frontend for pass
- rofi📀 An application launcher and dmenu replacement
- v4l2loopback📀 Linux kernel module to create V4L2 loopback devices First encountered in my iriun webcam ansible role
- MagiskSSH SSH server as root on Android using Magisk Surprisingly hard to get SSH as root on Android. This works great.
- I still don't care about cookies📀
firefox addon
- Jupyter
- Voila🚧 Rendering of live Jupyter notebooks (like Shiny but for Jupyter)
- jupytext🚧 Jupyter notebooks as Markdown documents or Julia/Python/R scripts
- pandoc-scholar Create beautiful and semantically meaningful articles with pandoc
- Element for Nextcloud Element (Matrix client) in Nextcloud
- Privacy Redirect📀 Web extension that can redirect Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Reddit among others to privacy-friendly alternatives
firefox addon
- bfg-repo-cleaner Remove large files or passwords, credentials or other sensitive data from git repos
- Readarr Ebook and audiobook collection manager for BitTorrent
- mpv-playlistmanager mpv luaa script to create and manage playlists
- ttrss-python📀 Python library for the TinyTinyRSS API This is a central component in my own ttrss-video-mpv tool.
- R extension for VSCode📀
- REditorSupport/languageserver📀 An implementation of VSCode's Language Server Protocol for R
- Ombi📀 Web app to allow others to request content for Emby/Jellyfin/Plex
- quantities📀 Quantity calculus for R vectors
- errors📀 Uncertainty propagation for R vectors
- constants📀 Reference on constants
- uncertainties Error propagation in Python
- Zotero to Excel SQLite Export
- jlpkg Command-line interface for Julia's package manager
- ChemEquations Julia package to write and balance chemical equations
- bib2gls📀 CLI tool to convert
- user.js📀 Firefox configuration hardening My firefox ansible role uses my fork of this script to harden Firefox
- Eisvogel📀 A Pandoc LaTeX template
- Manuscript review and response letters Template for LaTeX/pandoc to write reviews and author response letters
- xrayutilities Python package with useful scripts for X-ray diffraction
- pycroscopy Python package for scientific analysis of imaging data (STEM, XRDM, TEM)
- pyspectral Python package to manipulate solar irradiance spectra
- huxtable Create styled tables in multiple output formats Possible
- QOwnNotes📀 Notepad with Markdown support and Nextcloud integration
- Kimai📀 FOSS web-based mulit-user time-tracking application
- Zotero📀 FOSS reference manager
- Better BibTex for Zotero📀 Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts
- gitinfo2-latexmk📀 Use LaTeX's
with less effort - FiXme📀 Collaborative annotation tool for LaTeX
- siunitx📀 Comprehensive SI units package for LaTeX Also supported by MathJax v2.7.x, but not (yet?) by v3.x. Not supported by KaTeX. Awesome package.
- SVG2TikZ Inkspace extension to export SVG paths as TikZ paths
- tikzDevice📀 R package for converting graphics output to TikZ code for inclusion in LaTeX documents This is a critical piece of code that I have relied on for years to produce native TeX/TikZ plots from R.
- blogdown📀 Create blogs and websites with R Markdown
- nerd-dictation📀 Simple offline speech to text using VOSK API
- Whisper A general-purpose speech recognition model Seems less easy to use for real-time dictation compared to VOSK.
- Soft Potato Open source electrochemical simulator and toolkit Python-based. By Oliver Rodriguez.
- Les Pas🚧 Photo album app for Nextcloud on Android
- Leon🚧 Your open-source personal assistant
- Zutilo🚧 Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
- difftastic🚧 a structural diff that understands syntax
- rscodeio📀 VSCode-inspired theme for RStudio
- unison📀 Bi-directional file synchroniser
- open-remote-ssh📀 VSCodium extension to work on a remote machine
- UP-NextPush📀 UnifiedPush provider for Nextcloud server
- qsv🚧 CSVs sliced, diced & analyzed Via lazybear
- SearXNG self-hostable metasearch engine
- LXC helper 🚧 shell scripts by Forgejo.
Projects that I currently use (for my own or my clients) are marked with 📀. Projects I am actively considering to use are marked 🚧.
Repos that list other valuable repos
- AhmedKamal/awesome-Islam A curated list of awesome islam related projects, frameworks, resources and other awesomeness
- sindresorhus/awesome Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- awesome-hcloud List of libraries, tools and integrations for Hetzner Cloud
- awesome dotfiles List of dotfiles resources
- Awesome Python chemistry List of Python chemistry-related frameworks, libraries and software
- awesome-sysadmin Curated list of FOSS sysadmin resources
- awesome-R Curated list of R packages, frameworks and software
- awesome-selfhosted List of FOSS network services and web applications which you can host in your own sovereign cloud

Stereographic image of the Graf Zeppelin over the pyramids of Giza, 1931.
The image shown above likely depicts the LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin, an airship built in Germany in 1928.
An IUPAC project (apparently in collaboration with CODATA and CIPM, which makes it very official).
- Units of Measure for Humans and Machines, released in Oct 2020
- Digital Representation of Units of Measure in Chem. Int., vol. 42, no. 4, 2020, pp. 36.
- What's the future of digital chemical units?, presentation by Stuart Chalk at ACS Fall in Aug 2021.
- Stop squandering data: make units of measurement machine-readable in Nature vol. 605, 2022, p. 222-224.
Other IUPAC projects on digital standards. Of particular interest to us are Machine-accessible periodic table and Development of a standard for FAIR data management of spectroscopic data.

Seminar by Tony Travis, hosted by Royal Society Of Chemistry (2022-06-17)

The Swedish Research Council’s view is that everybody should be given access to research data that are financed via public funds. The recommendation below is part of our work of promoting a transition to open access to research data. The goal is to complete the transition no later than 2026.
Regionala statistikområden (RegSO) delar in Sverige i 3 363 områden med en befolkning mellan 663 och 22 622 invånare. [...] RegSO är en indelning som kommer hållas oförändrad över tid, med undantag för anpassning till ändringar av enstaka kommun- eller länsgränser.
Här kan du hitta detaljerad information på stadsdelsnivå eller bostadsområde.
Databasen innehåller statistik om folkmängd efter ålder, kön, civilstånd, hushållstyp med mera. Statistik om motorfordon, ekonomisk standard, inkomst, behörighet till högskola, valdeltagande och mycket mer.
Artikel från SCB med bra introduktion till RegSO databasen
Via Cornucopia