594 private links
The command and its typical output (highlights not shown due to technical limitations in Markdown):
$ find . -type f -name "playbook.log" -exec sh -c 'tac {} | grep -m 1 -A1 "^Playbook last committed by"' \; | grep --color -E "^|git/ansible/[A-Za-z]+?/[A-Za-z-]+?.yml|(19|20)[0-9][0-9]-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}"
Playbook last committed by me@host on Fri Apr 17 22:02:15 2020 +0200 (afd13a3b3b3f43d3f84bb16b1c91a6b5bec2cfe1)
2020-04-19 00:40:30,925 p=32526 u=me n=ansible | task path: /home/me/ansible/playbooks/luxor/playbook-host.yml:99
Playbook last committed by me@host on Wed Jan 29 14:34:38 2020 +0100 (5157cd051e276abfe99e93c37a8ad0c79dd4d3dc)
2020-03-29 01:39:34,874 p=14553 u=me n=ansible | task path: /home/me/ansible/playbooks/damietta/playbook-heliopolis.yml:31
Playbook last committed by me@host on Tue Feb 18 17:30:19 2020 +0100 (ae6c02965f4471d8089c5e4d2a427cb0cbfbc6b8)
2020-02-23 19:58:30,188 p=1050 u=me n=ansible | task path: /home/me/ansible/playbooks/abydos/playbook-webserver.yml:35
Playbook last committed by me@host on Sun Jan 5 09:44:27 2020 +0100 (26392ab778deaf86430f36bc7aed942ae04a938c)
2020-01-08 13:26:35,647 p=me u=27195 | changed: [hunan.domain.se -> localhost] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "git log --pretty=\"Playbook last committed by %cn on %cd (%H)\" -1 >> playbook.log", "delta": "0:00:00.003510", "end": "2020-01-08 13:26:35.628135", "rc": 0, "start": "2020-01-08 13:26:35.624625", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
Playbook last committed by me@host on Thu Mar 26 14:57:00 2020 +0100 (2c9aa2030192c2942c5dfb0bcf5976f46fefd774)
2020-04-01 15:44:19,057 p=10821 u=me n=ansible | task path: /home/me/ansible/playbooks/alexandria/playbook.yml:137
The first find
command lists all playbook.log
files below the current directory (recursing into child directories). tac
is the opposite of cat
and lists each file backwards (from last line to first). We use grep
to look for a string ("Playbook last committed") that my Ansible playbooks always insert into the log-file at the end of a run. Note the use of the -A1
flag that gets the matched line and one line after (but because we used tac
, we actually get the line before, which is what we want). The final grep
uses extended regular expressions (-E
) to color highlight several parts of the output (while displaying all of the output, that's what the initial caret does - it effectively matches all lines).
Pretty neat, if I may say so myself.
Some of the refs I consulted to figure out this one-liner: