604 private links
There are several problems with the *embed-preview.html
- Plots are not shown, only alt text (because plot links to
but the image actually lives atnotebooks/200-code_files/figure-html/fig-200-pxrd-diffractograms-1.png
, the directory200-code.embed_files
does not exist). page-layout: full
is not obeyed, meaning the body is quite narrow which looks awful especially code chunks- Author names, affiliations and date are repeated at the top of the body text
- First code chunk is empty (first actual chunk is number 2)
For reference, this was the case with the following manuscript
stanza in YAML:
article: index.qmd
meca-bundle: false
- notebook: index.qmd
title: Manuscript notebook
- notebook: notebooks/200-code.qmd
Render button in RStudio Server
Render button in RStudio executes quarto preview index.qmd --to html --no-watch-inputs --no-browse
and causes notebook sidebar to link to notebooks/200-code-preview.html
, which does obey my format.html.page-layout: full
, but figure captions lack numbers and so cross-refs are broken.
Keyboard shortcut in RStudio Server
in RStudio executes quarto preview --render all --no-watch-inputs --no-browse
and causes notebook sidebar to link to notebooks/200-code.embed-preview.html
quarto render in CLI
quarto render
(executed from CLI) causes notebook sidebar to link to notebooks/200-code.embed-preview.html
(but not every time?).
quarto preview in CLI
quarto preview --render html --port 25598 --host --no-browser
(in the CLI) causes sidebar to link to notebooks/200-code.embed-preview.html
Depends on YAML in a non-obvious way
But after commenting out the entire manuscript.notebooks
list, the situation changes!
Now none of the above methods link to to the *embed-preview.html
version - in fact, no such file is even rendered (only the *-preview.html
is rendered).