1017 shaares
598 private links
598 private links
A list based off of the above article, with some more I have learnt of from different sources:
- Stencila: An open source office suite for reproducible research.
- Dat project: A protocol for researcher-centric data sharing.
- JOSS: The Journal of Open Source Software (paper review as Github issues!).
- Open Citations: Open bibliographic and citation data.
- Plaudit: A browser extension that enables verified (via ORCID) endorsements of publications. A way to let other researchers know what you think is good science.
- PubPub: Collaborative writing and publishing.
- ReScience: A journal for replicated computational research.
- FlashPub: Fast micropublications.
- ReimagineReview: A whole database of peer review innovations!
- Dokieli: Decentralized articles and annotations, using linked data.
- Scite.ai: Machine learning for determining research quality.
- Scholarcy: Automatic summarisation of papers.
- BMJ Labs' mega list: Projects in scientific publishing, all of them!
- unpaywall integrations (unpaywall is one of several projects run by OurResearch).