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594 private links
Two wheels
Cargo bikes
- Xtracycle, extra sturdy electric bikes with longer-than-normal rear wheelbase to carry two children or lots of cargo.
- Convercycle, a bike that transforms to cargo bike, via Core77
- En informativ presentation av nätverket "Cykla med lastcykel"
Lastcykelguiden, en märkesoberoende guide till lastcyklar och lastkärror.
Peppe Hämeenniemis presentation om lastcyklar (PDF) från Cykelfrämjandets cykelträff aug 2022.
Three wheels or more
- Electric tricycle that leans into corners, a concept from BMW (not produced yet). Cargo area between the two rear wheels, and the front is able to tilt in curves. Chain-based drive mechanism that looks complicated.