1039 shaares
605 private links
605 private links
- No ads
- No need to create a Google account
- Tools for managing subscriptions
- Adds ability to listen only to audio
- No need for YouTube app in order to listen to videos on mobile (or use Newpipe on Android)
- No need to "ding" bell, just being subscribed is enough to receive all notifications
- No age-gate
- Dark mode (although YouTube has this now too)
- Free software (AGPL v3 license)
A good Firefox add-on is Privacy Redirect. Apart from handling Youtube can also redirect other services, and it also automatically rotates each redirect from a list of Invidious instances so as to avoid overloading any single one.
See Invidious Instances for a list of publicly available instances.
- "Small acts of resistance are all we need. Together, we make change", Yarmo Mackenbach
- https://reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/8wvazc/invidous_alternative_frontend_to_youtube/
- https://github.com/omarroth/invidious
Other Youtube front-end alternatives
- yt-dlp
- NewPipe (Android)
- PipePipe (Android), includes SponsorBlock
- yt-local , via reddit thread
Replacing Youtube altogether
Another approach is to replace Youtube with an open-source, federated video host service.
That would be PeerTube (see this blog post by LazyBear).
- https://fedi.video - a good place to get started with PeerTube, by FediThing