598 private links
Excellent page listing their feeds, and not only their published articles but also separate feeds for submissions and announcements.
Code shared on https://git.scipost.org, although many repos are sparse or have not been updated in years.
They also have their own Mastodon instance, with an account for each field.
All in all, very impressive work by what appears to be primarily Dutch academics.
First heard about it from 4 gravitons.
Nature has launched a Platform for Responsible Editorial Policies. This facilitates transparent review and research into peer-review procedures, thereby contributing to open science and optimal journal management (see P. Wouters et al. Nature 569, 621–623 (2019) and F. Squazzoni et al. Nature 578, 512–514; 2020).
Funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, and created with the Leiden Centre for Science.
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a Non-Profit Organisation that (since 1998) works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research.
Via thinkchecksubmit
A list based off of the above article, with some more I have learnt of from different sources:
- Stencila: An open source office suite for reproducible research.
- Dat project: A protocol for researcher-centric data sharing.
- JOSS: The Journal of Open Source Software (paper review as Github issues!).
- Open Citations: Open bibliographic and citation data.
- Plaudit: A browser extension that enables verified (via ORCID) endorsements of publications. A way to let other researchers know what you think is good science.
- PubPub: Collaborative writing and publishing.
- ReScience: A journal for replicated computational research.
- FlashPub: Fast micropublications.
- ReimagineReview: A whole database of peer review innovations!
- Dokieli: Decentralized articles and annotations, using linked data.
- Scite.ai: Machine learning for determining research quality.
- Scholarcy: Automatic summarisation of papers.
- BMJ Labs' mega list: Projects in scientific publishing, all of them!
- unpaywall integrations (unpaywall is one of several projects run by OurResearch).