598 private links
An EU Horizon 2020 project, grant ID 862030. Coordinated out of Messina University, Italy.
Solar-to-fuel direct conversion devices are a key component to realize a full transition to a renewable-energy based chemistry and energy, but their limits and possibilities are still under large debate. In this review article, we focus on the current density as a fundamental figure of merit to analyse these aspects and to compare different device configurations and types of solar fuels produced from small molecules such as H2O, CO2 and N2. Devices with physical separation of the anodic and cathodic zones, photoelectrochemical-type (PEC) or with a photovoltaic element integrated in an electrochemical cell (PV/EC), are analysed. The physico-chemical mechanisms involved in device operation that affect the current density and relations with device architecture are first discussed. Aspects relevant to device design in relation to practical use are also commented on. Then discussion is moved towards the relevance of these aspects to compare the behaviour in the state-of-the-art of the conversion of these small molecules, with focus on solar fuels from H2O, CO2 and N2 conversion, highligthing the gaps and perspectives of such technologies. The still significant lack of crucial data, notwithstanding the extensive literature on the topic, has to be remarked on, particularly in terms of the need to operate these cells in conjunction with sun concentration (in the 50–100 sun range) which emerges as the necessary direction from this analysis, with consequent aspects in terms of cell and materials design to operate in these conditions. The work provides a guide for the optimisation of the investigated technology and the fixing of their practical limits for large-scale applications.
The DECADE project proposes a new photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) approach for the conversion of CO2 avoiding water oxidation as an anodic reaction to overcome the current limits in the PEC system and to maximize effective energy utilization.
The project partnership has a strong industrial character but comprises top-level scientists in the area and international collaboration with Japan to allow the best possible benchmarking for the novel approach developed.
EU Hydrogen Important Project of Common European Interest, also called IPCEI
The Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park project is intended to be expanded to a 5 GW capacity
using proton exchange membrane electrolysis
The company did not reveal further technical and financial details on the project.
Mälardalens högskola är projektledare, med Kärrbo prästgård, Solkompaniet och SLU som partners i projektet, som har finansiering från Energimyndigheten.
Vätgas är vår idag vanligaste industrigas i antalet användningsområden. Den används inom många olika sektorer – som råvara i många olika processer för att skapa många olika slutprodukter, som drivmedel, som energibärare för att lagra energi, i vissa fall även under längre tid.
Egypt's largest private solar power plant.
The new Kom Ombo plant will be located less than 20 km from Africa’s biggest solar park, the 1.8 GW Benban complex.
- https://projectsportal.afdb.org/dataportal/VProject/show/P-EG-FF0-013
- https://www.ebrd.com/news/2021/egypts-largest-solar-plant-kom-ombo-receives-us-114-million-financing-package-.html
- https://egyptianstreets.com/2021/04/23/egypts-largest-solar-power-plant-receives-114-million-maximizing-clean-energy-potential/
- https://www.utilities-me.com/news/17081-construction-of-egypts-200mw-kom-ombo-pv-solar-project-to-commence-in-q3-2021
- https://energyindustryreview.com/renewables/acwa-power-to-develop-200mw-kom-ombo-pv-project-in-egypt/
Sveriges äldsta nätanslutna solcellsanläggning fyllde 36 år i oktober 2020
The Australia-Asia PowerLink project (Sun Cable's AAPowerLink)
Proposed project.
It's dwarfed by the proposed project in western Australia.
Tekniska verken i Linköping och Linköpings kommun undersöker nu förutsättningarna för en eventuell anslutning till Nordic Hydrogen Corridor. Kommunen blir därmed den fjärde av åtta städer i landet, som visat intresse för att kvalificera sig som nod i en EU-finansierad vätgaskorridor mellan de nordiska huvudstäderna.
Search for journals where you can publish Open Access.
Search engine built on SciFree, funded by Vinnova.
The NIST Uncertainty Machine is a web-based software application produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to evaluate the measurement uncertainty associated with a scalar or vectorial output quantity that is a known and explicit function of a set of scalar input quantities for which estimates and evaluations of measurement uncertainty are available.
A Javascript tool to model tandem photocatalytic devices, by Brian Seger, assoc. prof. at DTU.
I first heard about it in a talk by Ib Chorkendorff (PECSYS, 201105).
Search by chemical name or CAS registry number.
By CAS, the American Chemical Society.
Sketch a chemical structure in the browser.
Also has built-in functions for producing Wikipedia ChemBox for the structure (cool!).
This service works as a resolver for different chemical structure identifiers and allows one to convert a given structure identifier into another representation or structure identifier. It can help you identify and find the chemical structure if you have an identifier such as an InChIKey.
Does not seem to work right now, though.
OPSIN is the (open source) standard for parsing IUPAC names.