594 private links
The Open Knowledge Network connects specialists of the open movement and promotes them through the Open Knowledge Global Directory.
CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data.
CKAN is a free open source Data Management System (DMS) to build open data portals, and its code is held in trust by the Open Knowledge Foundation.
Just heard about it. Adding this note to check back later and research who is backing it, etc. Looks worthwhile.
- https://github.com/dpgalliance
- https://exchange.dial.global/products (supported by Gates Foundation, SIDA, UKAID, et al.)
Digital public goods (DPG) that caught my eye:
Gitea is great. So is Codeberg. The ability to share repos, issues, and users across Gitea instances, would be awesome.
Git itself is already federated and decentralised, but there is still a need for federation of the remote repo and its facilities.
The idea of some sort of federation between Gitea instances has been around since 2016.
- https://forgefriends.org/blog/2021/11/22/what-is-forgefriends/
- https://social.gitea.io/@gitea/1075767916260526973
- https://forum.forgefriends.org/t/nlnet-grant-application-for-federation-in-gitea-deadline-october-1st-2021/354
- https://forum.forgefriends.org/t/forge-federation-webinar-january-19th-2022-10am-noon-utc-1/538#a-10000-feet-view-of-problems-with-forge-silos-and-their-solutions-4
- Software Forge performance index (maintained by SourceHut)
På SND:s hemsida lanseras nu nya sidor om datahantering riktade till forskare. Materialet som tagits fram är tänkt att ge en överblick över datahantering i forskningsprojekt och erbjuda stöd genom hela forskningsprocessen, från planeringsstadiet till projektslut.