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Obligatory Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad:
They're rocks, Hank!
No, they're minerals! Jesus, Marie!
If you ever wondered about the distinction, you should watch this video (3 min 31 s) from the American Museum of Natural History which does a great job explaining the difference between crystals, minerals, rocks and gems.
Via The power of computational materials theory
This preprint "All Topological Bands of All Stoichiometric Materials" by the same authors.
- Space-group symmetry
- Magnetic Symmetry and Applications
- Group-Subgroup Relations of Space Groups
- Representations and Applications
- Solid State Theory Applications
- Structure Utilities
- Topological Quantum Chemistry
- Subperiodic Groups: Layer, Rod and Frieze Groups
- Structure Databases
- Raman and Hyper-Raman scattering
- Point-group symmetry
- Plane-group symmetry
- Double point and space groups
How to cite the BCS. Related papers are tagged "Bilbao Crystallographic Server" in Zotero.