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Bra läsning för att påminna sig om solens, månens och planeternas rörelse på himlavalvet så som de upplevs från jorden.
Detta utbildningsprogram presenterar himlafenomenen som de ter sig för oss vanliga seende människor. Med ett i huvudsak geocentriskt perspektiv knyter det hela tiden an till vad läsarna direkt kan erfara.
Month-by-month moonsighting reports from around the world.
An interactive 3D visualization of the stellar neighborhood, including over 100,000 nearby stars.
Pretty cool that this kind of visualisation can be run in the browser (Chromium works fine, so does Chrome). But I'm getting no sound, I suppose that's something to do with my machine.
Via Jason Kottke.
Immersive and impressive.
Go ahead and read Jason Kottke's description, then watch ORBIT by Seán Doran.
I like to think of this as the whole sky always being "there", but the Earth blocks about half of it ALL THE TIME! Alternately, if we look straight "up", we're always pointed towards a different part of same sky. I made these reprocessed spherical timelapses to hopefully communicate these perspectives. I think it's pretty incredible how the sky acts like an ever-changing window on our universe.