594 private links
Excellent page listing their feeds, and not only their published articles but also separate feeds for submissions and announcements.
Code shared on https://git.scipost.org, although many repos are sparse or have not been updated in years.
They also have their own Mastodon instance, with an account for each field.
All in all, very impressive work by what appears to be primarily Dutch academics.
First heard about it from 4 gravitons.
- Scandinavia nordic-rse.org
- Germany: de-rse.org
- Netherlands: nl-rse.org
- Belgium: be-rse.org
- UK: society-rse.org
- USA: us-rse.org
- Australia/New Zealand rse-aunz.github.io
- Asia rse-asia.github.io
Via Github.
- FAIR principles for Research Software, released in May 2022 as an endorsed recommendation of the Research Data Alliance
- FAIR software checklist - if you are a researcher who writes software, check it out! Via Netherlands e-Science Center
A very nice resource!
I found it while reading up on presentation software (pdfpc and such).
This is an academic seminar, so not much razzle-dazzle, but the subject matter is certainly cool!
Space-based solar power is the idea to put PV panels on satellites in orbit and beam the power down to the surface.
Do you think that sounds outlandish? Well, there is nothing technical stopping us - just a matter of financing and politics. Not like fusion which is still an unsolved problem. In my book space-based solar would be smarter, cheaper, and more sustainable than even nuclear power.
I have archived a copy of the seminar recording on my Nextcloud (in case you have any problems using the Zoom-provided recording).
Learn how to create unit tests for scientific papers in Python using PyTest.
På Uppsala universitet möts vi över gränser. Här möter du människor från olika bakgrunder, med olika framtidsdrömmar och med olika förutsättningar.
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a Non-Profit Organisation that (since 1998) works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research.
Via thinkchecksubmit
No coding knowledge required, very portable with Markdown text, and supports custom domains
Via Waxy.org