594 private links
The Open Knowledge Network connects specialists of the open movement and promotes them through the Open Knowledge Global Directory.
UNIDO's (UN Industrial Development Organization) projects and programmes at a glance. Has a really nice by country explorer.
Unfortunately neither the UNIDO website nor its Open Data platform appear to feature any RSS feeds.
This is cool, research data on SND is now indexed and findable via the Swedish data portal.
Utforska den biologiska mångfalden!
Här samlar och presenterar vi vår och andras kunskap om djur och natur. Vi arbetar på att beskriva de cirka 60 000 arterna som finns i Norden och Baltikum.
Presentationen på denna sajt är dock ganska torr. Många sidor saknar beskrivning. Länkar för all del till Wikipedia och andra sajter.
En mycket mer visuell presentation av "livets träd" är den på OneZoom.
En annan (sidindelad som Naturforskaren men med mer visuella element) är Tree of Life web project.
The website is a collaboration between two Dutch data science centers.
Should in my opinion also mention Gitea or Codeberg under suggested version control repositories, but otherwise good advice all around!
Under the title Data in Motion this track focuses on the deployment of data in research and the versatility of the domain that concentrates on this way of doing science. A panel, presentations and small pitches, illustrated by video or demo's, will sketch the fruits of escience and data science, and thus demonstrate the need for an RDA in support of research. Also the formation of a European Platform for e-science and data research centers will be highlighted during this session.
Video 1h 20 min. Presented by Patrick Aerts and Paul Groth.
Note that red ochre contains primarily hematite (α-Fe₂O₃).
This (old) library is a digital repository that accompanied the following published papers:
The Swedish Research Council’s view is that everybody should be given access to research data that are financed via public funds. The recommendation below is part of our work of promoting a transition to open access to research data. The goal is to complete the transition no later than 2026.
With the increasing focus on open science and FAIR data, IUPAC is focusing effort toward the development of digital standards for chemistry. Its Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards (CPCDS) has compiled this page with IUPAC resources.
A commendable effort!
Refractive index database
Via The power of computational materials theory
This preprint "All Topological Bands of All Stoichiometric Materials" by the same authors.
I recently got a copy of my "digital covid certificate". (You can get yours at covidbevis.se).
The certificate contains a rather dense-looking QR code, so naturally I was curious as to what data it contained.
With the help of Binary Eye, I could see that whatever the QR code encoded was not stored in clear-text.
Searching the web, I encountered this blog post by Austrian hacker Tobias Girstmair.
He has written a Python script that deconstructs the QR code into its data fields.
I installed it and used it to read out the values from a JPG screenshot of my QR code (I have randomised or hidden some data to protect privacy):
$ git clone https://git.gir.st/greenpass.git/
$ cd greenpass
$ python3.8 -m venv venv,
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install flynn base45 PyPDF2 pyzbar Pillow
$ sudo apt install libzbar0
$ python3 greenpass.py myqrcode-screenshot.jpg
QR Code Issuer : SE
QR Code Expiry : 2021-09-29 15:00:00
QR Code Generated : 2021-07-01 15:00:00
Vaccination Group
Unique Certificate Identifier: UVCI : URN:UVCI:01:SE:EHM/V10050020P8X
Country of Vaccination : SE
Dose Number : 1
ISO8601 complete date: Date of Vaccination : 2021-06-01
Certificate Issuer : Swedish eHealth Agency
Marketing Authorization Holder : ORG-100030215
vaccine medicinal product : EU/1/20/1528
Total Series of Doses : 2
disease or agent targeted : 840539006
vaccine or prophylaxis : J07BX03
Date of birth : 1982-02-01
Surname(s), forename(s)
Surname : <>
Forename : <>
Standardised surname : <>
Standardised forename : <>
Schema version : 1.3.0
The script worked when supplying a screenshot, but threw an error when I tried supplying the HC1 hash itself. In any case, I congratulate Tobias on a very nice piece of investigative work, allowing citizens all over the EU to inspect the data they share when using their COVID vaccination certificate.
- Space-group symmetry
- Magnetic Symmetry and Applications
- Group-Subgroup Relations of Space Groups
- Representations and Applications
- Solid State Theory Applications
- Structure Utilities
- Topological Quantum Chemistry
- Subperiodic Groups: Layer, Rod and Frieze Groups
- Structure Databases
- Raman and Hyper-Raman scattering
- Point-group symmetry
- Plane-group symmetry
- Double point and space groups
How to cite the BCS. Related papers are tagged "Bilbao Crystallographic Server" in Zotero.
På SND:s hemsida lanseras nu nya sidor om datahantering riktade till forskare. Materialet som tagits fram är tänkt att ge en överblick över datahantering i forskningsprojekt och erbjuda stöd genom hela forskningsprocessen, från planeringsstadiet till projektslut.
These are such valuable guides (macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu), for @ubcmds and beyond. Installing a whole data science stack IS HARD. Enjoy and provide feedback!
@joelostblom & I just finished our install guide for the @UBCMDS #datascience software stack across Ubuntu, Mac & Window. Got a new machine that you need to install the #datascience software stack on? Test drive our guide & report any issues!
For macOS, Ubuntu and Windows.
This guide consists of written instructions. Could easily be turned into an Ansible playbook, I think.
Stockholmskällan är ett samarbete mellan
- Stadsarkivet
- Stadsmuseet
- Medeltidsmuseet
- Stadsbiblioteket
- Utbildningsförvaltningen
A cloud for research data in Europe.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Open_Science_Cloud
- https://snd.gu.se/sv/nyheter/aktivt-svenskt-deltagande-i-eosc-men-mer-kan-goras
- https://snd.gu.se/sv/eosc-vad-hander-och-hur-bidrar-svenska-aktorer (inspelade presentationer från webbinarium 2022-02-11)
EOSC ska göra öppen vetenskap till det nya normala.
EOSC Association
- **EOSC Portal is your unified access to the European hub of research data, tools and services.***
Here's a library of thousands of book illustrations from old books, with searchable name, artist, source, date, which book it was in, etc.
Via Jason Kottke