583 private links
Bra läsning för att påminna sig om solens, månens och planeternas rörelse på himlavalvet så som de upplevs från jorden.
Detta utbildningsprogram presenterar himlafenomenen som de ter sig för oss vanliga seende människor. Med ett i huvudsak geocentriskt perspektiv knyter det hela tiden an till vad läsarna direkt kan erfara.
Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.
Pretty neat!
Over >1300 public domain movies, tracked in #wikidata and hosted by Commons, #internetarchive (and even YouTube), watchable from a bespoke interface.
What a cool project! This could make public domain movies much more accessible for all kinds of users.
Learn more on the WikiFlix Help page.
A very nice resource!
I found it while reading up on presentation software (pdfpc and such).
Really nice work by Steve Byrnes. Very useful.
A private collection of movie posters of Egyptian movies.
Delightful and detailed interactive article explaining the physics of a bicycle.
Via Andy Baio.
This unofficial site let's you explore the In Our Time archive by topic and year.
Via kottke.org.
A work in progress. Over 700 pages, encompassing band structure, symmetry and much more.
By Daniel Arovas, UC Santa Barbara.
Lectures on theoretical physics from Cambridge University professor David Tong.
David Tong at Cambridge is a gifted educator and communicator who has written lecture notes that span a wide swath of the physics curriculum, from introductory material on mechanics through advanced graduate-level treatments of quantum field theory. Truly, these are a fantastic resource, made freely available.
Link and quote thanks to Douglas Natelson (nanoscale views).
I particularly like his notes on solid state physics (which contains links to other resources).
Note that red ochre contains primarily hematite (α-Fe₂O₃).
This (old) library is a digital repository that accompanied the following published papers:
There's a forest of sites out there with the sole purpose of allowing you to test your microphone.
This is the only decent one, as far as I know.
By that I mean it does what it says, runs no ads, and handles your recording strictly client-side.
electricityMap is a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it.
The map is open source, and improves weekly thanks to 1700 contributors and counting.
The project has an informative FAQ, a list of its data sources, and a wiki.
An interactive 3D visualization of the stellar neighborhood, including over 100,000 nearby stars.
Pretty cool that this kind of visualisation can be run in the browser (Chromium works fine, so does Chrome). But I'm getting no sound, I suppose that's something to do with my machine.
Via Jason Kottke.
I found myself in need of a source of emojis that could be easily copy-pasted.
In order of decreasing useability:
- https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
- https://getemoji.com/
- https://reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7l0pin/every_emoji_in_emoji10/
Here are some more:
By Han-Kwang Nienhuys, lagom.nl.
Global maps
- OpenStreetMap
A list of apps and services built on OpenStreetMap - Two maps at the same scale (side-by-side maps) by Josh Horowitz via FlowingData
- Near real-time visualisation of global weather conditions (see my note for background)
- Great Circle map
- World population density, by Dr Duncan Smith at University College London.
- OsmAnd (OpenStreetMaps Android)
- Guru Maps, on Play Store
- Skapa och skriv ut (PDF) din egen karta i skala 1:10000 eller 1:50000 (Lantmäteriets e-tjänst Kartutskrift).
- Skyddad natur, Naturvårdsverket
I kartverktyget Skyddad natur finns alla nationalparker, naturreservat och övriga skyddade områden. Även du som är friluftsintresserad kan ha glädje av kartverktyget. - Länsstyrelsernas karttjänst, visar skyddad natur, leder och andordningar för friluftsliv, och dylikt.
- Vägtrafikflödeskartan, trafikdata från hela Sverige tillgängligt via Trafikverket. Inkluderar data m antal fordon, fordonstyper och dess hastigheter (även cykel i förekommande fall).
- Vraklämningar och andra lämningar under ytan. Via dykarna.nu
- Detaljplaner Uppsala kommun
- Indelning av valdistrikt i Uppsala län
- Svenskt luftrum med TMA/TIA-zoner, enbart(?) för segelflyg
- Trädtäckning i städer och tätorter, via Boverkets nationella kartläggning av träd
- Svenska fiskeregler, via svenskafiskeregler.se
Other places
To Beautify, Validate, Minify, Analyse, Convert JSON, XML, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Excel
For example, to render HTML directly.
Via "How to check a LinkedIn profile" by Lazybear.